Media service
Ulm and Neu-Ulm have a lot of topics worth reporting about. In the following you may find some interesting texts for your research.
Information about Ulm and Neu-Ulm
General information about the sights, museums and events in Ulm and Neu-Ulm.
The History of Ulm
Get to know the history of the city of Ulm and its economic development.
The Ulm citizens and their Minster
You will get all relevant information about the Ulm Minster and its history.
The Oath Monday
To ›serve rich and poor alike‹ – that is to work equally for all citizens: this is the oath first defined in 1345 a nd sworn by Ulm's Lord Mayor every year on Oath Monday, a unique legal tradition. Then they celebrate – first on the Danube and then throughout the city.