Every Wednesday and Saturday the people of Ulm and Neu-Ulm meet at their farmers markets. In addition of getting the weekly food shopping done, locals enjoy their second breakfast and a delicious cup of coffee there. This ritual possibly extents to a late lunch coming to the end of the farmers markets.
In Neu-Ulm over 35 stalls and over 80 stalls in Ulm offer their regional and organic specialities for purchase. You can find anything from bread, plants, fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, cheese, antipasti and much more there. A visit to the farmers markets of Ulm and Neu-Ulm is a treat for all senses.
Every Wednesday and Saturday the people of Ulm and Neu-Ulm meet at their farmers markets. In addition of getting the weekly food shopping done, locals enjoy their second breakfast and a delicious cup of coffee there. This ritual possibly extents to a late lunch coming to the end of the farmers markets.
In Neu-Ulm over 35 stalls and over 80 stalls in Ulm offer their regional and organic specialities for purchase. You can find anything from bread, plants, fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, cheese, antipasti and much more there. A visit to the farmers markets of Ulm and Neu-Ulm is a treat for all senses.