Ulm & Neu-Ulm

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The museum is located in a historic building of the Ulm Federal Fortress, only a few metres from the banks of the Danube. Two tours show the history of the Danube Swabians (950 sqm) and the diversity of the Danube, the great European river (550 sqm).
Exhibition "Danube Swabians. Departure and encounter"
The Danube Swabians are the descendants of German settlers who emigrated to the then Kingdom of Hungary in the 18th century. For centuries they lived peacefully together with their neighbours - Hungarians, Romanians, Serbs, Croats and others. After the Second World War, many were uprooted by flight, expulsion, deportation and internment. They came to Germany and other countries. Those who remained in the settlement areas had to come to terms with communist regimes. The exhibition is in German, there is a German/English media guide.
Donauschwäbisches Zentralmuseum
Schillerstraße 1
89077 Ulm
The Edwin Scharff Museum at the Petrusplatz, which opended in 1999 houses Neu-Ulm's historical collections. You can also find the most important works of Edwin Scharff here. Oil paintings, watercolours, drawings and especially sculptures trace the path from his early beginnings to his later works. Temporary exhibitions complement and enhance the permanent collection.
Scharff devoted himself to the art of the 20th century, with views into the 19th century and to the present day. The emphasis of the exhibitions is on the Edwin Scharff époque, i.e. the period from 1887 to 1955. In pursuing his artistic development, one aspect the museum focuses on is sculpture.
Edwin Scharff Museum
Petrusplatz 4
89231 Neu-Ulm
The exhibition shows the most important events and topics of the history of Ulm from its beginnings to the present. Key components of the exhibitions are exhibits, models and large-scale prints and especially interactive media installations.
The west wall of the exhibition room consists of ashlar masonry dating from the beginning of the 13th century that protected the city wall of the former Holy Roman Imperial palace.
Haus der Stadtgeschichte
Weinhof 12
89073 Ulm
Over more than 50 years, the entrepreneur Siegfried Weishaupt and his wife Jutta have built up a top-class collection of modern and contemporary art, which has been open to the public in the newly built private museum since November 2007.
The Weishaupt collection includes incunabula of abstract expressionism - including Mark Rothko and Willem de Kooning - as well as the work complexes of the American pop artists Warhol, Lichtenstein and Wesselmann. Josef Albers and Max Bill as representatives of concrete art as well as positions from zero and op art round off this period on the European side. Current trends in the collection reflect Robert Longo, Liam Gillick and Wolfgang Laib.
On the second floor, group and individual exhibitions are presented in regularly changing constellations, drawing from the rich collection.
kunsthalle weishaupt
Hans-und-Sophie-Scholl-Platz 1
89073 Ulm
The Museum Ulm has been under renovation since 17 April 2023 and is temporarily closed for this reason.
Until the end of the construction work, the Museum Ulm will host various exhibitions and events in the neighbouring kunsthalle weishaupt. The HfG archive on the Hochstrasse will remain open as normal.
Museum Ulm
Marktplatz 9
89073 Ulm
The Walther Collection is a private collection dedicated to the critical understanding of historical and contemporary photography and related media. Its aim lies in presenting thematic and monographic exhibitions drawn from its expansive range of photography and media art from the collection's African, Chinese, Japanese, and European holdings of modern and contemporary works, nineteenth-century photography from Europe and Africa, and vernacular lens-based imagery from across the globe.
The program of the Collection consists of international exhibitions, innovative research, scholarly publications, and the presentation at its three-building campus in Neu-Ulm.
The Walther Collection
Reichenauer Straße 21
89233 Neu-Ulm