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Cycling and hiking

Explore the two-land city and its surroundings on foot or by bicycle.

Die beeindruckende Burg Hohenzollern thront majestätisch auf einem bewaldeten Hügel, mit Blick auf eine weitläufige Landschaft und entfernte Dörfer


Not only the two-land city is particularly worth experiencing, but also the nearby region with its multitude of excursion possibilities. From the Swabian Alb, Bavarian Swabia to Allgäu - from Ulm you can reach everything easily.

The caves, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and Ice Age Art in the Swabian Jura

Discover the Ice Age era and see for yourself how people lived at that time and marvel at these original works of art. The works of art and musical instruments found here are the oldest in the world.


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